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Ismailov Ruslan
Eyvaz ogly
04.01.1986 – 09.27.2020


Life story

Ismailov Ruslan Eyvaz ogly, born on April 1, 1986 in the village of Tazekand, Marneuli region of the Republic of Georgia, I would like to note his outstanding qualities as a warrior and citizen. His life was dedicated to serving his homeland and defending its freedom and independence.
After graduating from the 9th grade of a local school in 2001, Ruslan decided to follow the path of military service. From April 2004 to April 2006, he served in military unit No. N, where he demonstrated dedication to his duties and professionalism.
In 2016, once again answering the call to defend his country, Ruslan began serving overtime. His determination and willingness to stand up for his homeland became an example for many.
On September 27, 2020, during the difficult times of the 2nd Karabakh War, Ruslan took part in the fighting in the direction of the Kelbajar region, where, having given his life for his country, he showed true courage and dedication.
After his heroic death, by Decree of the President of the country, Ruslan Ismailov was posthumously awarded the medals “For the Liberation of Kelbajar”, “Brave Warrior” and “For the Motherland”, recognizing his feat and contribution to the defense of the state.
He left behind a wife and two children whose pride in him will last forever. May his soul rest in peace, and may his feat inspire us all to noble deeds and devotion to the ideals of freedom and peace.

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