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Rahimov Ramil
Sucaddin oglu
01.01.1992 – 20.09.2023


Life story

Martyr Ramil Rahimov is one of our heroes who created miracles. Yes, "The Motherland is sacred, the Motherland is dear," he said, trying to protect every inch of it like the apple of his eye, ready to give his life for it. His actions demonstrated unparalleled heroism on his life path, leaving indelible marks in history. The names of such sons of the Motherland as Ramil are never forgotten. His life, like many others, was written with a sense of attachment to his people, a desire to help everyone, and deep love for his country.
Rahimov Ramil Sucaddin oglu was born on January 1, 1992, in the village of Jeyranbatan in the Absheron district. In 1998, he entered the first grade of School No. 1 in Jeyranbatan and in 2007 continued his secondary specialized education at the Baku State Social-Economic College. In 2011, Ramil successfully completed his studies at this college and soon voluntarily went to military service. He completed his service in a military unit in the Fizuli district and then engaged in various fields of work.
His love for his homeland led him in 2018 to work in the State Border Service as a junior sergeant. In October 2022, he began serving in the peacekeeping forces of the Internal Troops as a junior sergeant. On September 4, 2023, Ramil went to Aghdam, and before leaving, he informed his family that he would be sent to the Gusar district for a few days. Soon, he contacted home and said that everything was fine.
On September 19, 2023, an anti-terror operation against Armenian bandits began, concluding in the morning of September 20. Ramil contacted home and reported, "We succeeded, the invaders surrendered." He also told his acquaintances, "We made history." His comrades, visiting his family, spoke of his bravery, high morale during the operations, and his invincibility. Despite being wounded in the arm, he continued to fight. One of his subordinates was wounded in the leg, and Ramil told him, "You are under my watch." This platoon set a record, capturing the Armenian post in 17 minutes.
On September 20, around 16-17 hours, Ramil, along with his comrades, tried to evacuate the body of a fallen soldier from the neutral zone when he was fatally shot by a sniper. Ramil Rahimov died from his wound, ascending to the highest peak - the peak of martyrdom. His heroics cannot be fully counted, he was not only a hero but also a professional warrior.
In his honor, a classroom was opened in the school he attended, and television channels and news portals covered his combat paths. Ramil Rahimov was not just a soldier; he was an outstanding warrior. In 2019, he got married, in 2020, his daughter Deniz was born, and on January 1, 2024, another daughter, Yagmur, who was named by him before her birth, is expected. His family is proud of him and hopes that Deniz and Yagmur will honor their father's spirit with their achievements. The family considers Ramil the best head of the family. We bow our heads before the parents who raised such a hero and ask God to give them patience. May Allah have mercy on all our martyrs and grant health to our veterans.
Karabakh is Azerbaijan!

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